What is Beamset Social Design? Social Design and Sustainability Social Design and Innovation The Four Components of Beamset Social Design (Innovation) Social Design and Social Design Innovation Social Design and Meta Reality Social Design and Social Meta Design Social Design and Meta Design
What is Beamset Social Design?
Beamset’s New Reality is about societal designs and processes that will, simply put, make the world a better place. European Commission (2013) Guide to Social Innovation, p. 7. Beamset aims to create a Social Design frontier reality for the betterment of human well-being, life, and economic prosperity. Beamset Social Design is a design process that anticipates and generates new ways of doing, knowing, and being — in connection to social, economic, humanity, and equality. Beamset Social Design provides a platform for people to enjoy, explore, and experience life through Meta Reality and Virtual Reality for a better human existence, world, and planet.
Social Design and Sustainability
Beamset brings sustainability to the world through Social Design and the application of the Human Centered Design Methodology in social innovation. One of our core missions is to work toward Social Design sustainability. For us, it means providing nonprofit and for-profit products and services to promote sustainable social design growth and universal equality. Our agenda is to understand how design impacts society. We aim to examine the model and/or design ideas, conventions, and narratives that are woven into its fabric to make better understanding of a sustainable Social Design.
Social Design and Innovation
Beamset’s multi-dimensional designs and models up to the Fifth Dimension (5D) are founded on a synergy of universal concepts that span a wide range of disciplines. One of Beamset’s core facets is empowering people to know and believe that Social Design, an essential necessity for a better modern world, can be achieved and sustained with advancing social innovations, designs, and technology. Beamset is able to uniquely design their products and services to inspire consumers and groups to come up with innovative ways to improve social design, human well-being, and prosperity.
The Four Components of Beamset Social Design (Innovation)
Beamset Social Design (or Social Design Innovation) produces new insights and solutions. It’s social innovation for empowering ideas and solutions. Beamset Social Design (Innovation) is also a process, method, or tool that innovates and generates new ideas in relation to Social Design, Meta Reality, Meta Social Design, and Meta Design. The four components of Beamset Social Design Innovation are: • Social Design • Meta Reality • Meta Social Design • Meta Design
Social Design and Social Design Innovation
Social Design Innovation produces new insights and solutions. It’s social innovation for empowering ideas and solutions. Social Design Innovation is also an advanced system used to describe particular approached to social innovation by which to empower people, to improve human well-being, prosperity, and our planet. Social Design Innovation is a process, method, or tool that innovates and generates new ideas in relation to Meta Social Design, Meta Design, and Meta Reality.
Beamset Meta Reality is the conscious state (human mind) giving formulations, designs, models, and meanings to reality, life, and existence. Meta Reality is an holistic view of reality as an integrated process with connectivity to the human mind and physical existence.
Beamset Meta Social Design is a process design model that cohesively and effectively processes data, information, and knowledge. Meta Social Design expands the innovation of Social Design to include co-creation between consumers and the design process.
Beamset Meta Design is a new form of collaborative design work that allows for the co-creation of ideas and social design techniques. Meta Design is a design platform that aims to define and build social, economic, and technical designs.