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Social and human correlations to the Fifth Industrial Revolution 5.0 are interconnected and interrelated to common models of the fifth dimension (5D), resulting in personalized and customized selections and decision-making.



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About Us

◼ Who We Are (Our Purpose)
◼ Vision Statement (Our Vision)
◼ Mission Statement (Our Mission)
◼ Impact Envision Statement (What We Do)
◼ Overall Goals Statement (Our Goals and Objectives)

Beamset is a nonprofit and for-profit social design company. We provide products, services, arts, entertainment and sociotechnology that further the concepts of social design. 

• Who We Are (Our Purpose)

Beamset is a social design enterprise laying the framework for a sustainable present and progressive future for humanity.

• Vision Statement (Our Vision)

Beamset’s vision is to develop into a mainstream social design enterprise for human well-being, sustainable living, and economic growth.

• Mission Statement (Our Mission)

Promote the rise of social design, along with a future where there is “Access for All”

Encourage ideas that seek technological and social solutions for problems in our society

Translate social design into human well-being, sustainable living, and economic survival.

Advocate for the importance of social design to improve our modern world

Enrich human connection, building a reality where all members of society can openly exchange ideas and “Access for All” is the status quo

• Impact Envision Statement (What We Do)

Beamset’s overall impact envision is to design, build and deliver a future social design for co-create innovation and opportunity that promotes and empowers people to know and believe that social design is a necessity for a better world. We will achieve and sustain social design through integrating social design ideas, models, opportunities and innovations.

• Overall Goals Statement 

Design smart ideas for a better and expanding human existence in social design

Create a framework to sustain, empower, resolve, and evolve social design

Innovate and translate resourceful social design products, services, models and solutions

Maintain opportunity, participation, stewardship and collaboration in co-create social design.

Envision a viable effective co-create social design agenda for people, the planet, and the economy.