The Progression 5 of Beamset Social Design

5D Progression or Progression 5

Five-dimensional (5D) space is a micro-space with five dimensions. Interpreted physically, 5D is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions (3D) and the fourth dimension of time (4D). The 5th Dimension is also a dimension that can be in two categories or phases:
▪ 0D to 4D (Space and Time Dimensions)
▪ 5D (Micro-Dimension)

5D New with Violet

The fifth dimension (5D) is also classified as a micro-dimension of particles of strings. We know it is there but we can’t see it. 5D is compacted at -35 meters (negative 35).

Imagine the Size of Our Galaxy

If you could drive across our entire galaxy, an average of 60 miles an hour, it would take more than 2 trillion years. That’s about 150 times greater than the age of the universe, which is estimated to be about 13.8 billion years.

Imagine the “Smallest of the Size” of 10-35

If a hydrogen atom was increased to the size of our galaxy, then 10-35 (negative 35) would be the size of a strand of human hair.




◼ Outline of Dualism of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◼ Correlations of Universal Patterns

◼ General Description of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◻ 0D to 4D (Space and Time Dimensions)

◻ 5D (Hidden Micro-Dimension)

◼ 5D at Alpha (Beginning of the Universe)

◻ 5D and the Beginning of the Universe

◻ 5D and Before the Stars – The “Afterglow of Creation”

◻ 5D and Today’s Afterglow in Every Part of Universe

◼ 5D at Omega (End of the Universe)

◻ The End of Measurable Universe (-35m)

◻ 5D is Near or At the End of Measurable Universe (-35m)

◻ Today’s Lowest Measurements (-18m)

◼ 5D at Subatomic Level

◻ 5D is not Observable

▪ 5D is a Hidden Multidimensional “Fabric of Spacetime”

◻ 5D Quantum (String Theory Level)

▪ 5D Beamset

▪ 5D Brane

▪ 5D Bulk

◻ 5D is a Compacted Loop (Compactification)

◻ 5D is Scientific Brown Color (or Glow)

◼ Dualism of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◻ Visible (Seen) Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ 5D Geometry of Hyperspace

▪ 5D Geometry of Hypercube

◻ Invisible (Unseen) Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ Physical World (Atomics)

▪ Metaphysical World (Metaphysics)


5D: 5-Cube Hypercube

◼ Outline of Dualism of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◻ Visible Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ 5D Geometry

▪ 5D 5-Cube Hypercube

◻ Invisible (Hidden) Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ Physical World (Atomics)

▪ Metaphysical World (Metaphysics)



◼ Correlations of Universal Patterns

Nature is filled with universal patterns that are similar or parallel. They have correlations at some point.


◼ General Description of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◻ 0D to 4D (Spacial and Time Dimensions)

If you toss an object across the floor, it will stay in motion for a few seconds and you can see it in all 4 dimensions: The first three are height, width, and depth (3D). The fourth one is time (4D) and you see this one over the progression of the movement of the object.

◻ 5D (Hidden Micro-Dimension)

In the tossing of an object across the floor, there is an additional fifth dimension (5D). It is considered to be a hidden micro-dimension, rather than one of the space-time dimensions you can see by tossing an object across the floor. The extra dimension is what we consider to be a connected “Fabric of Spacetime”.



◼ 5D at Alpha (Beginning of the Universe)

◻ 5D and the Beginning of the Universe

Big Bang Theory is the widely accepted description of how the world came to be. This is an interesting concept that continues to develop. They believed that 13.8 billion years, a single hot and dense point expanded to form the universe as we now know it.

All the matter found in the universe today — including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies — was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago. The matter in the human body is billions of years old.

Scientists believe the “compacted” universe back then was too hot for anything other than the most fundamental particles — such as quarks and photons. Since the fifth dimension (5D) is compacted and much smaller than quarks and photons, this is an indicator that the fifth dimension (5D) also existed at the beginning of the universe some 13.8 billion years ago.

◻ 5D and Before the Stars (The “Afterglow of Creation”)

After the Big Bang, there were no stars. The first light to be produced in the universe is sometimes known as the “Afterglow of Creation” because it is the light after creation. The Afterglow may reflect when the Universe was formulated to have dimensions (0D, 1D, 3D, 4D, and more), space-time-matter, and uniformed laws and physics patterns.

◻ 5D and Today’s Afterglow in Every Part of Universe

Since the Afterglow existed before the stars, galaxies, planets, and even dimensions. Its glow was different. It is one of the substantial pieces of evidence supporting the Big Bang theory and the existence of the fifth dimension (5D)

Today, scientists are now displaying the “Glow” as scientific brown with blue. The “Glow, is strongest in the microwave region of the radio spectrum. The “Glow” is in every part of the known Universe. We can’t see this light. It’s a “Glow” that stretches the universe and is not associated with any star, galaxy, or other objects. It is referred to as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) or Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR).



◼ 5D at Omega (End of the Universe)

◻ The End of Measurable Universe (-35m)

The smallest possible size for anything in the universe is the Planck Length, which is 1.6 x10-35 meter (negative 35) — an incomprehensibly small scale. The Planck length represents the theoretical limit of the shortest measurable length.

According to the uncertainty principle, no instrument should ever be able to measure anything smaller. It is the shortest length at which gravity would have the effect, causing the universe to be probabilistic and indeterminate.

◻ 5D is Near or At the End of Measurable Universe (-35m)

In the below image, within the violet-purple sphere, 5D is hidden near or at end of the measurable universe. A renowned physicist, Oskar Klein, suggested that the fifth dimension is rolled up into a tiny, compact loop on the order of 10-35 meters. The size of -35 meters is at the end of the measurable universe. Therefore, the 5D dimension is not directly observable. 5D is -35 m (negative 35).

◻ Today’s Lowest Measurements (-18m)

In 2012, Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, in the ATLAS and CMS collaboration experiments. The new particle, Higgs boson, a new elementary particle, is 1x 10-18 (E’-18). It has the expected properties of a particle. It set a new lowest measurable level at -18 meter (negative 18).



◼ 5D at Subatomic Level

◻ 5D Quantum (String Theory Level)

▪ 5D Beamset

The Centroid is a human-centered Eco-Social Design that applies 5D geometry and programming for social, economic, environmental, and ecological factors. The Centroid 5D design process is relatable to the quantum string theory for the fifth dimension (5D).

▪ 5D Brane

In “Brane” cosmology, the central idea in many theories of physics is that our visible, four-dimensional (4D) universe is restricted to just a membrane inside a higher-dimensional 5D space called the “Brane”.

▪ 5D Bulk

The “Bulk” is the extra-dimensional (5D) region beyond the four dimensions – three space dimensions (3D) and a one-time dimension (4D) of our universe. The full space is called the “Bulk” (also, known as hyperspace).

◻ 5D is a Compacted Loop (Compactification)

5D dimension is not directly observable. It exists at the end of the measurable existence of the universe. 5D is a compact loop at ^-35m referred to as “Atomic Level Compactification”. It’s too small to observe with current mechanics and/or technology.

◻ 5D and Scientific Brown Color (or Glow)

When primary colors are mixed or compacted (made up of those colors), the color brown is the “scientific” result.



◼ Dualism of Fifth Dimension (5D)

◻ Visible (Seen) Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ 5D Geometry of Hyperspace

The “5D Hyperspace Cube” is a closed compact geometric figure in four or more dimensions that is comparable to a cube in three dimensions.

▪ 5D Geometry of Hypercube

In similarity, the “5-Cube Hypercube” is a closed compact geometric figure in four or more dimensions that is comparable to a cube in three dimensions.

◻ Invisible (Unseen) Fifth Dimension (5D)

▪ Physical World (Atomics)

The atomic worldview is based on the notion that matter is built of elementary constituents called atoms, and quantum mechanics was created in the pursuit of this view with probabilistic events caused by atomic particles and matter. Atoms occupy space, and they are the building block of matter.

▪ Metaphysical World (Metaphysics)

Metaphysics is the study of what exists in a person’s mind. It is a type of research that uses broad concepts to define reality and understand it. Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements of reality that are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life.



▪ Sources